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Camino De Santiago

“The Way”

A Journey Of The Soul

In 2024 we walk together

A Sacred Journey of Truth, Soul, Love, Wonderment, Richness, Freedom, and Bliss.

The Camino de Santiago: A Journey of Great Discovery

In order to open the Soul, we must open the Body.

Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel

Regardless of your religious beliefs, there’s no denying that embarking on the Camino de Santiago is a profound experience that offers the chance to connect with something far greater than ourselves. The reality is we live in a world of miracles and possibilities that are readily available. Things that seemingly don’t make logical sense, but make perfect sense to our soul and heart. In order to be receptive to these miracles and possibilities, to feel free, alive and to live a deeply enriching existence, it requires we open our body to feeling it (embodying it) This means softening and re-sensitising ourselves on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. As you soften and re-sensitise and journey the Camino Trail, you can trust that it will hold the wisdom you seek.

(You can read about the history of the Camino here)

Answering the Call

If you have been summoned by this holy journey trust that it is for a purpose. We dont always understand why we are drawn to these paths, but we are given the invitation not to ignore the stirring in our soul and the curiosity that persists within us. By accepting the call to walk the path, which is the pilgrimage that we seek, we open ourselves up to the longings of our soul and a more true way of living that we’re meant for.

The Search for Holiness, Meaning and the Sacred

In our search for holiness and meaning, we yearn to unravel the mystery of our existence, to discover the secrets of this world, and to connect with something far greater than ourselves. As we walk the path of life our soul desire is to truly enjoy every experience and feel deeply satisfied & fulfilled.

In 2024, I am taking a small, intimate group to journey this holy pilgrimage together, to laugh, sing, dance, cry, scream, skip and more. If you feel the pull and would like to join us, click below to secure your spot.

The Power of Pilgrimages


Pilgrimage: a person traveling to a holy place

Life is the medicine. What if the wisdom that created this life, held the potential to heal us in every moment of living and breathing, as well as lead us to the liberation and Truth we seek?

There exists a force that is beyond our understanding, yet it is the very essence of our being and the universe around us. Although elusive, it resonates with every fibre of our existence and ignites our hearts with the flames of our potential liberation. This force is greater than any of us and pulls us towards a purpose that we may not yet fully comprehend. By connecting with this force, we can discover the essence of true freedom, joy, love, and fulfilment. This enigmatic force is known by many names, "God," "Creator," "Source," "Universe" but its essence remains the same. It is the cosmic melody that resonates within us all, and it guides us on a mystical, yet miraculous journey towards the Divine if we choose to dance with it.

Every facet of our lives is a pilgrimage. It's the path we take when we accept the challenges of university, travel, or a loving relationship. We can find it in our daily work, hobbies, and conversations. A pilgrimage is a transformative journey that returns us to the truth of something greater than ourselves. It exists in both the grandest and simplest of moments. Unfortunately, many of us have lost touch with this notion, and have become detached from the full experience of life's journey. This is a journey back to the Truth of life.


Our body holds the knowledge of our liberation. Through sensations and curiosities, it guides us to paths and experiences that seem foreign, yet beckon us with an otherworldly allure. By conditioning our spirits to embrace the peculiar and the obscure, we take the first steps towards our emancipation. For within these seemingly irrational choices lie the secrets of our own freedom, and by surrendering to them, we cast off the shackles of our habitual suffering and transform into beings of boundless potential.

Indulging in pleasure is allowing ourselves to bask in the ecstasy of feeling good! Which is the natural state of our body. Our bodies are innately wired for sensation and vitality, with over thirty-two trillion cells pulsing with life. Imagine a reality where you permit yourself to revel in the joy of a body, heart, and soul that feels utterly divine. How would your life transform if this became your truth?


Have you ever wondered why we crave adventure? The answer is simple – it's the journey itself. Life is the elixir that holds the key to our being. A call to adventure beckons us to explore the depths of our soul, to delve into the uncharted territories of our true selves. For it is only by experiencing the unknown that we can unravel the mysteries of our being and find the missing pieces of our own unique puzzle. These adventures are the stepping stones to our transformation, inviting us to live a life that aligns with our heart's desires. In these journeys we embark upon, we discover the magic of camaraderie, community, shared hardship, celebration, and wonderment. They transport us to realms unknown, offering us glimpses of different ways of living that we could never have imagined before.

The outer geography changes our inner geography, and this is why the call to adventure is so powerful.


The body is the vehicle for awakening. One of the reasons why these journey’s are so powerful, is because as we move our physical, we move our internal body.

By ‘Body” I mean the whole of us; our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, heart and soul. Every part of us is expressing through our physical body. Having come from a background of health & fitness, the body has continuously shown me as we move ourselves physically, we move ourselves energetically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. We open more of our heart and we open more of our Soul.We become the dance, as well as the dancer. We become the song, as well as the singer.

Our outer world is merely a reflection of our inner world. As we move & change ourselves physically we cannot help but be moved and changed internally into worlds that we don’t yet know are possible.

Our entire being comes alive!


When we fully engage our attention with the elements, and allow our body to be in union with its wisdom, we can experience a profound transformation. The elements that surround us mirror us - Earth; Our physical body. Air; our breath. Fire; Our Spirit. Water; Our blood and bodily fluids. Either; It’s wisdom. Surrendering to the seemingly unfamiliar directions that our wisdom is guiding us towards, we can start to feel an opening within ourselves. As we do so, we will not only notice physical changes (such as deeper, easier breathing), but we’ll also change emotionally, mentally and at our deepest level; our heart and soul. Ultimately, we experience greater energy, profound insights and clarity, and a renewed desire to take action once more. When we heed the call of our body wisdom and work with the elements, truth, love and liberation will organically be a byproduct.

The Camino is a holy and sacred journey. Let it be the ‘medicine’ your Soul seeks.

An Adventure not for the Faint of Heart…
For those who have been called repeatedly but have yet to answer, this journey is for you. The time is now. It's for those who are willing to put their faith in the mysticism only their innermost selves know. It's for those who are eager to embrace a greater destiny and live a more meaningful, enriched, enlivened and full existence than they have ever imagined! Its for those who are truly be seen and come alive!

Can’t wait to journey with you!

Lauren x

The Journey

Camino Francés

Option 1 - ALL IN!

BEGINS: MAY 20TH, 2024


  • 35 days

    (Including rest days and a final day at the finish)

  • Accommodation (twin-share or solo)

  • Breakfast

  • Luggage transfers if needed

  • Camino map

  • 4 Months Support - Pre + Post Support Group Calls: March - June 2024

(4 x monthly - 3 x pre walk + 1 post walk)

  • Training Program (in the lead up)




Travel transfers

Food /Drinks (Meals other than bfast)

Spending money


Equipment / Trail gear

Training program in the lead up

Extra months support in the lead up

*** Once your space is secured through your deposit, you will be sent further information & detailed lists on what you’ll need to prepare***


Deposit: $1000

PIF or Payment plans available

Option 2: Camino Stamp

Sarria - Santiago de Compostella*



  • 5 days Sierra - (Including any rest days and a final day at the finish)

  • Accommodation (twin-share or solo)

  • Breakfast

  • Camino map

  • Pre + Post Support Calls - May/June 2024

    ( 1 x pre walk + 1 post walk)




Travel transfers

Food /Drinks (Meals other than bfast)

Spending money


Equipment / Trail gear

Training program in the lead up

Extra months support in the lead up

*** Upon securing your space with a deposit, you will be sent further information & detailed lists on what you’ll need to prepare***


Deposit: $1000

PIF or Payment plan available


I Did It ‘My Way’

Throughout the journey, you will always have the option to go at your own pace, walk solo or with a group. Remember, this is your journey. Just like life; you do it your way!

Embodiment Teacher, Speaker and Facilitator of Life

Lauren loves life! She loves the full-bodied experience of it and the potential it holds! She invites others into the same love, passion and possibilities for their own life.

A master of the essence of embodiment, Lauren teaches you to journey into the depths of your being, unlocking the gates of truth, passion, and freedom. As a mentor, leader, and coach, she draws from a wealth of knowledge - spanning fields like sexuality and intimacy, fitness and wellness, somatics, kinesiology, anatomy, psychology and arts (acting, singing & performing) - to create "LaurenBeckerLiving", a way of life that is centred around the principles of truth, love, humility and possibility.

Lauren's journey has taken her through the depths of her own potential, including healing three broken bones without surgery or medication, overcoming depression and illness (again without external intervention) and more recently, a 105-day juice journey. She has travelled the globe extensively as a solo female which allows her to invite others to boldly follow their desires. Her mastery of trusting and surrendering to the wisdom of the body has equipped her with the tools and wisdom to teach others on their own path towards true liberation, joy, freedom, and love.

She has traversed uncharted territories, seeking and revealing the undiscovered, beautiful parts of her clients' souls, helping them live fully and authentically. Lauren has a unique ability to see all of you and to know what your body needs in order for it to open to greater love, vitality and passion. She will evoke your heart and soul into greater harmony, alongside revealing your unique talents, gifts and skills for fully magnificent living

Lauren's work is a bridge between the outer and inner, science and spirituality, pleasure and pain, light and dark, and heaven and hell. She draws on the elements, life-force energy, and God to help her clients uncover their true passions, desires, and unique soul qualities, leading them towards liberation, joy, freedom, and love.

For over 18 years, she has served her devotion to Truth, Love, Full-Bodied Freedom, and the illumination of the Soul's essence for those who seek to live fully and wholeheartedly.

Lauren is passionate about our full-bodied potential and the relationship between sex and wellness. She is committed to living life fully and inspiring her clients and audiences to do the same. To leave no stone unturned is a life truly lived.

Meet Your Guide


“Wow! Thankyou! The biggest thing I’ve discovered is just to trust and surrender as you’ll only TRULY know the miraculous results once you’re on the other side.”

I’ve experienced -

  • Clear skin, Vibrancy and aliveness in my body

  • Senses are on fire - to an extent that I didn’t even know was possible!

  • Eyes bright and ready and so very open.

  • The most joy I’ve ever felt in my life!

  • Possibility and confidence in myself

  • Feeling sensual and sexy

  • Way more energy to do the things that get me excited

  • Spontaneity, New talents unfolding

  • Stronger connection to God and source and my inner masculine

  • Consistently attracting the things I want.

  • Ease and peace in my mind and body.

  • Less electronics , less need and want for them. Easeful sleeping

    This is the key to everything. Especially if you’re looking to grow or have been looking to grow and feel stuck / stagnant - like if what you’ve been trying isn’t working and you’re not actually getting anywhere~

    This is the key! Emotional release as well as aligned choices . Truly aligned.”

    In Acting:

    I went from shutdown, rigid, afraid to standing strongly in myself and acting from a place of freedom and ease and presence with my body, myself and the other. Beforehand I would go into fight or flight a lot when I would act. Your work helped me to sit in my body safely as a woman, as a creative and as a person. That created an ability to intuitively understand where a character is at in their body, and by being able to do that, created more learning and ability to see where a character is at. I also experienced being able to create nuance in performance by understanding when a character is opening or closing, because I was open. Beforehand because I was so closed I couldn't even grasp or understand what was going on for the character. So I went from rigidity and fear in my craft (acting), to a nuanced, detailed performance.

~ Tia

What Past Client Have Said

Singer, Songwriter, Artist & Poet

This work is more than I could have ever expected or imagined!

I've never felt so connected to my work and my creativity.

I now love reading my poems, & people listening to my voice & the way that I speak & the way that my words land, because I can feel my transmission is so deeply connected to possibility.

Ive never felt so certain, free and in flow. You are magic!

You see artists because you know what it is to be one, & all that artists battle with to remember who they are & how very deserving they are of their art! That they & their art are important and precious.

Thankyou Lauren for your guidance, wisdom & unconditional support & love. Your teachings, transmission, heart, & for the passion, realness & Truth that you have shown me.

~ Rosina Buck

Diagnosed with Early menopause late 20’s (Age at time of the below message - 34yrs)

“So this is happening; my bleed has returned. Seemingly out of no where but connected to every where!

The last 9 months since meeting you and connecting and exploring deeper parts of me, uncovering the deepest parts of myself, this is the stuff of dreams, living and working in the world I do, having been told medically I am past menopause.

Whatever she (womb) is saying is I am listening. I am surrendering to the wisdom of my womb. Thank you my darling woman.”

~Jacque Smith

Fertility Issues

“During our struggles to become pregnant and after multiple attempts with traditional fertility treatments, I sought Laurens help to get my body & mind in sync as I just felt that they were constantly fighting with each other after every failed attempt.

Lauren was amazing!

She was able to help identify my blockages, where I was holding stress, fear and anger and help me just release it all.

Within a couple of cycles of seeing Lauren and implementing everything Lauren suggested, willingly, we fell pregnant and the pregnancy stayed viable, and we now have an incredible 4yr old son.

I will forever be thankful to Lauren.”


Business Owner (Kick Agency)

“I just wanted to share that since our first session last week, my glasses prescription has gone down from 3.5 to 2.5!”

(Eyesight client)

~Louisa Hayton